Feb. 1st

She started out the day exploring a box of Cheerios. I love how everything is novel for her.

When that got boring, she started poking around in my stationary boxes...

and found this. I think that this may be the pic for our valentines.

The only thing that she ate that day.

And we're on to book exploration. Featured title: Baby Colors

But soon, that become tiresome. And she's down for a nap in no time at all.

My first moment alone. I took the opportunity to do some yoga and enjoy some gelato. I realized, as I stretched, that my socks didn't exactly match. But they're cozy and that's what matters.

Mmmmm. I heart pistachio gelato. A few spoonfuls made me very happy.

Will dinner be found in the freezer? It wasn't, after all. Gus stopped and bought tilapia that became fish tacos.
Feb. 2nd

A night of sweating does fabulous things for baby hair.

Finally, something other than applesauce! Avocado, watermelon, and banana do a body good...

and she agrees...

which is good because all of that applesauce resulted in the first of many liquid-y diapers. This one made it all the way up to her belly button.

Grandma stopped by just as we were getting ready to take a shower, and Chie obliged her with a smile, a rare thing that day.

Playing with the drain of the shower while she thinks I'm not looking. Good thing it just got cleaned.

And we go from happy to sad in two seconds flat. Guess how many times that day we repeated this?

And she's naked again after yet another blow out.
Grandma watched her for an hour so that I could go and get more Tylenol (after she dumped the bottle over on the coffee table). And then we met Gus and a few of his co-workers for a "drink" at Bridgeport Brewery. He was charged with pictures, but was having fun talking and then occupying Chie.
Later that night, we went over to Grandma and Grandpa's to hang out for a while...

A mugging for the camera.

Her third outfit of the day. I absolutely love this shirt.

A loves to coax her into moving. I love that you can see her hand moving.

He and Gus were chatting about photography, a shared love. Doesn't he look professorial?

C winding down. We took this as our cue to leave.

This DITL was brought to you by Tylenol, the only thing that got us through.
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