But back to this talking thing. Along with words, you've also developed a large number of gestures. The most common are shaking your head and waving goodbye and hello. You wave all the time, and not just to people coming or going. It's a conversation entree for you, a way to say, "Hey, I'm here, and I'd like to be a part of things." You also wave to inatimate objects and I'm not quite sure what that's about. But you seem very determined while you're doing it. You wave to people on TV, particularly characters that you've seen before, like the people on the morning show that I watch fairly regularly, and when they go out on the plaza and you see all of the people waving, then you really get into it. You also wave at pictures of people. If you're really happy about it, you'll kiss them, like you did to Papa's picture. I think that you still have yet to kiss him in real life but at least you've done it to a picture!

This head shaking, though, that's the real miracle. People see you shake your head, like one of the clerks in New Seasons, and they say, "Oh, it must be hard to have her say no all of the time!" But it couldn't be farther from how I really feel. Until you learned this skill, you were whining a lot. You had no way to get your point across and so whenever you felt an opinion that was contrary to the pleasant mode, you'd just whine. But it was more like a whiiinnneeeeeee. I'd ask you to show me what you wanted and that worked, some of the time, but not if you didn't want something. Now, though, you can just shake your head. "Would you like some cheese?" Head shake. "Do you want to take off your shoes?" Head shake. I've learned that the shake isn't always definitive. Often when asked if you'd like some more food, you'll shake your head and then immediately open your mouth. When you take the front of your tray in your hands, though, then it's final.

I should have more to say, I know. You're developing so fast and furiously that there are tons of funny anecdotes to share. And if I'd been a better mommy, I would have notated them for future reference. These last few weeks have been quite crazy though. I'm trying to be student and a mommy and to tell you the truth, I'm not doing very well at it. I'll get better, though, and I'll be sure to make myself remember these things because you are something that should not be forgotten.
Love, Mama